Saturday, January 22, 2011

Recipe of the Week 2011 #3: Baked Macaroni

This week's installment of Shiny New Recipes is coming in a day late because someone in this house drank all the milk on Friday and I lacked 1) sufficient quantities to make a decent bechamel sauce and 2) the will to go buy more after a particularly exhausting day at work.

I modified this recipe. I used regular sharp cheddar instead of white, and left out the nutmeg. I added extra cayenne pepper, black pepper, and paprika. I also used packaged breadcrumbs instead of making my own (yep. I'm lazy.) and added a few cups each of broccoli and cauliflower so that I could delude myself into thinking I have remotely healthy eating habits.  It turned out very nicely.

Tomorrow, it's Matt's turn to make dinner. He has promised me Diet Cheerwine and frozen pizza. It's a good thing I eat an orange every day; otherwise I'd be concerned about my imminent risk of dying of scurvy.

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