Saturday, January 1, 2011

Book Challenges: The Beginning

I am currently downloading books for my reading challenges for this year. One of the many convenient things about owning an e-reader is that you can download thousands of public domain books for free over at Project Gutenberg. All of the books that I am planning on reading for the Victorian Literature Challenge are on there, as are a few of the ones for the Feminist Lit challenge.

The Feminist Literature Challenge books for January are A Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft and So Long a Letter by Mariama Ba. The former I downloaded from Gutenberg, the latter I will be procuring from the library. (It bears mentioning that I am flat freaking broke, hence my choice of book challenges: all are easily obtained for free online or from the library.) I've never read the latter, and have read the former only in excerpt. Looking forward to both!

As for the Victorian Literature Challenge, I'm going to start off easy with some poetry. Poetry was always my strong suit as an undergrad; I made my best grades in the classes in which poetry figured prominently. I'm going to be reading the Brownings, Tennyson, and Swinburne. I was going to add in the pre-Raphaelites, but then I recalled that I've already read most of the siblings Rossetti oeuvre and didn't care for the rest. So that's that, I guess. 

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